Did you know?

late term abortions

NBC’s Kristen Welker reported that “abortions later in pregnancy - 21 weeks and after - are extremely rare and usually only take place in the case of a health emergency.”

In fact, about 15,000 late-term abortions per year are performed in the U.S. at 21 weeks or later, and roughly 80% of them are not for health reasons but purely elective. These abortions are performed on pre-birth humans who are weeks older than this individual at 18 weeks.

PolitiFact reported that Democrats don’t support “abortion on demand” up to firth because they only support such abortions if the pregnancy poses a “risk” to “health”.

In fact, 99% of Congressional Democrats voted for bills that would legalize all abortions up till birth if any abortionist merely says it is for “health”. Per late-term abortionist Warren Hern, “I will certify that any pregnancy is a threat to health.”

PolitiFact reported that Donald Trump was wrong to say that Democrats support abortion measures that result in the “execution” of babies “after birth”.

In fact, roughly 3 to 16% of late-term abortions result in live births, and 99% of House Democrats voted against a bill to prosecute any abortionist who “intentionally” “kills a child born alive” after an abortion or fails to give them medical care. Democrats alleged that the bill was redundant, but the current federal law to protect newborns who survive abortions doesn’t have any penalties for breaking it.

Fertilization normally takes place within one day of intercourse but can occur up to six days later. During fertilization, the genetic composition of humans is formed. This genetic information determines sex, eye color, hair color, and facial features. It also influences characteristics such as intelligence and personality.

The four defining characteristics of life are present during or soon after fertilization:

  1. Growth

  2. Reproduction

  3. Metabolism

  4. Response to stimuli

It really is a Human Baby!