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for women
Watch this young woman explain why she didn't abort her baby after she was told the child wouldn't survive
Pregnancy and parenting support. PREPARES is open to all to provide meaningful, local, and sustained support to mothers, fathers, and families as they nurture their children through pregnancy and early childhood, including:
Young mom’s group
Family companions
Essential needs like clothing, diapers, and other basic needs
Play groups
Resource referrals
Adoption planning and support
Contact Prepares-Pregnancy & Parenting Support
Becoming the Woman God Made Me To Be
(Courtesy of Focus on the Family)
(Courtesy of LIVE ACTION)
Prenatal support
pregnancy facts:
In the first weeks, unique fetal DNA is observed.
Heart begins beating.
Spine, arms and legs are forming.
By Day 30 the baby has grown 10,000 times.
Skeleton, eyes, teeth, fingers and toes are formed.
Internal organs and muscles are developing.
Spontaneous movement has begun.
All of this in the first 7 weeks after conception.
7 Weeks Old
Antioch Adoptions is a non-profit, Christian agency in Washington State with the goal of making family a reality for every child currently on the path to adoption. We assist Christian parents from foster care licensing to adoption finalization. We assist birth families and adoptive parents with an adoptive plan. All services are provided fee-free.
Contact Antioch Adoptions
post abortion support
Rachel's Vineyard is a safe place to renew, rebuild and redeem hearts broken by abortion. Weekend retreats offer you a supportive, confidential and non-judgmental environment where women and men can express, release and reconcile painful post-abortive emotions to begin the process of restoration, renewal and healing.
Local Contact Information:
Lisa at (509) 421-7847
Website: Rachel’s Vineyard
Statistics estimate that close to 43% (more than 1 of 3) women of childbearing age have experienced an abortion. These are your sisters, mothers, wives, and friends. These women carry an incredible burden of silence and heartache. Many struggle for years with repressed memories, guilt, shame, and depression.
Most women feel they are not allowed to talk about their abortion experience, especially in church. The truth is many women who have had an abortion suffer from symptoms of post-abortion grief and trauma. Most often, neither the medical community nor the church understands abortion as a risk factor in a woman’s physical, spiritual or emotional health.
If you feel you have never completely healed or recovered from an abortion experience, or that a past abortion may be affecting your current quality of life, then Surrendering the Secret is for you.
This study offers an 8-step biblical healing model by women who have been where you are. Surrendering the Secret is a study designed to bring women together who understand the need for seeking peace with the past and desire a better understanding of God’s plan for making the most painful losses of our past work for His glory!
Our mission is to provide a supportive and confidential environment that facilitates healing and restoration from a past abortion and bringing a sense of hope and purpose for the future. If you have an abortion in your past, then join us in Surrendering the Secret.
Local e-mail contact information:
509.662.0652 and ask for information about Surrendering the Secret